Louth Heritage Trail
- 2.03 Miles
- 0.00FT
Louth Heritage Trail
Louth originated in Saxon times, set in a fold of the Lincolnshire Wolds where the ancient trackway called Barton Street crossed the River Lud as it flows from the chalk Wolds onto the lower Middle Marsh, an expanse of boulder clay left by ice-sheets during the later periods of glaciation. The town’s name derives from Hlud or Loud, referring to the fast-flowing river.
This trail will guide you around the centre of Louth on a heritage trail. Remember always to look above ground floor level to admire the architecture. Louth has an extensive Conservation Area and over 250 listed buildings, too many to describe in this leafle
Download the PDF document (from the link below) to get yourself the trail leaflet, giving you more information about each part of the trail. Each of the markers which are placed on the map above, correlate with a specific part of the walk which is explained in further detail in the leaflet (downloadable below).